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716日上午,在中国社会福利基金会教育项目部副主任张立老师的带领下,我校在北京集训的高二国际班同学与珠海二中的同学们一起前往上海合作组织秘书处进行参观学习访问。  此次访问学习能够成行,是因为得到了上海合作组织秘书长伊玛纳利耶夫阁下(前吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国驻中华人民共和国大使,吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国外交部部长、总统顾问)的大力支持。在我项目部领导前期拜会伊玛纳利耶夫阁下的过程中,秘书长认为作为首批来秘书处参观的中国中学生,这样的活动可以让孩子们开阔国际视野,了解国际机构的职能和运作情况。这些即将跨出国门的孩子,也是上合组织的年轻大使,可以更好地在国际上宣传上海合作组织(以下简称上合组织),同时也可以为其他成员国同龄的孩子搭建一座友谊的桥梁。








I had never been to such a mysterious and serious place when I stood in front of the secretariat of SCO. I thought that the introduction of SCO from Mr. Zakharov is of value and importance for me, because I was going to take university education in America and would confront many difficulties in dealing with the differences between my culture and others’.

Understanding of our neighbor countries was essential for our teenagers. Mr. Zakharov asked me all the names of neighbored country of China. The reason why I could fluently give the answer is that I was very fascinated with geography. His words reminded me of the importance of geographic knowledge, especially for the cooperation among close countries.

I was glad to understand the international organization and realized the importance of cooperation.”



In the question-and-answer time, I asked Mr. Zakharov that what efforts SCO has made in the field of education and what is the plan of future. Mr. Counselor asked my question thoroughly and patiently. He said that SCO is planning to build a university called Shanghai Corporation Organization university. The study in this university will focus on politics, economy and other four subjects. After listening to his answer, I gained a lot of knowledge about SCO's educational plan and I was impressed by Mr. Zakharov's fluent speaking of English.

I had never visited such kind of large International organization before, so I think the visit today is a valuable treasure in my life. Before this visit, I had no idea about how a large International organization works and how does China corporate with the nearby countries in military, politics, economy and many other fields. But now, I think I already have basic knowledge about it. I hope I can keep contact with the kind and knowledgeable counselor and visit this wonderful place again.”



After the meeting, I asked Mr. Zakharov about the communication and activities among students from all countries in SCO. I said that I used to participate in such a summer camp in South Korea 3 years ago with children from Mongolia, South Korea and Vietnam. I hoped that the SCO could hold similar activities. Mr. Zakharov answered my question patiently by saying that because different countries had different interests, holding such activities were not easy, but the SCO would attempt it.

  I really appreciated that I had such a wonderful opportunity to take part in such a wonderful visit. What impressed me most is that Mr. Zakharov said when he was young, he had never been offered any chance to study abroad, yet he still had his goal to achieve. Now, his success has proved how significant having a dream and pursing it. Thus, under no circumstance, I should give up my dream



The day of 7.16, 2012 is a meaningful even historical day for me. On this day, I had the honor to a visit the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Before the visit, I knew nothing about the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. But now I know that SCO is an organization holding the belief of trusting each other, benefiting each other and respecting the civilizations from different countries. I hope the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will become increasingly influential and excellent.”



During this visit, I found that this organization has done much contribution to the peace of the whole world. The organization will also build schools to help people from poor areas to receive better education. I hope more countries will join this organization in the future to help the world become more peaceful. I also hope that more schools will be built for those who need help.”



When I went into the house, I found that the furniture were not types of expensive goods. I thought that the office house of Shanghai Cooperation Organization was very austere. I appreciated it so much because Shanghai Cooperation Organization did not want to waste money. Thanks to the visit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, I learn much knowledge and widen much horizon”






